Audience: Faculty, staff
SMB allows you to mount a remote volume onto the MacOS desktop. This enables you to drag and drop files, as you normally would, to/from your computer to/from Active Directory.
To mount your Active Directory files and folders:
1. From the Go menu, select Connect to Server.

2. For shared drives, enter smb:// and click Connect. (Note: xxx is your container name. For example, for the IST container).
If you do not know your container name, contact your Departmental IT Administrator.
For your home drive, enter smb:// and click Connect.
With Active Directory, you have to make a separate connection for your home drive.
3. When prompted, enter your username and password. Check Remember this password in my keychain and click Connect.

You should have access to all of your network drives. You should also have a new icon on your desktop, providing easy access to your Active Directory drives.
How to add your Active Directory drives to startup.
- Open the Finder and select your computer. You will now see your shared and home drives.
- Open Login Items.
MacOS 12 - Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, click Users & Groups, select your user name in the list on the left, then click Login Items on the right.
MacOS 13 - Choose Apple menu > System Settings, click General in the sidebar, then click Login Items on the right. (You may need to scroll down.)
- Drag the windows side by side so you can see them both at the same time. You will want to drag your home drive (it will be called your UMNetID) to the list of login items. Then drag your shared drive to the list of login items. You will now see your home and shared drives listed.
- Allow the drives to load automatically in the background.
- Close the Settings and Finder windows.
The next time you restart your computer, it will automatically connect to your home and shared drives.
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